The art of becoming an entrepreneur

These are entrepreneurs who set up a sole proprietorship with a status that simplifies administrative procedures and a non-binding tax regime, unlike traditional entrepreneurs.

VSE SMEs and traders
Other alternatives exist to become an entrepreneur, such as creating a SME (small and medium enterprise), a VSE (very small enterprise) that include several advantages, or trying the trade.

If you have an idea to create a project in a promising sector such as new information and communication technologies, the creation of a startup can open the doors to the world of entrepreneurship.
The key competencies of a business leader

Professional coaching for business owners
Entrepreneurs, especially at the beginning of their career, need professional support, which is one of the alternatives. Among the main tools for managing a business are accounting and invoicing software, customer relationship management software (a CRM), project management software, etc.
Set up a company

Business plan
This crucially important document is the entrepreneur’s roadmap. It encompasses a set of information such as the strategy to be adopted by the company, the objectives to be achieved, the description of the processes and methodologies…

The future entrepreneur can make an estimate of the cost of the creation. Self-financing is not always sufficient and seeking additional financial resources from credit institutions can be a solution and a fairly effective means. More on business-information-blog.com.

Legal form
The creation of a company implies giving it a legal form which will, among other things, determine its future taxation. The choice depends on the activity and size of the company. A distinction is thus made between a sole proprietorship and a limited company.
Consulting in companies and especially business consulting is aimed at company directors who wish to develop their skills and mainly managerial, entrepreneurial skills. The aim being to help them develop their business, more on project-sensation.com.
Pellentesque: the best allies of business leaders
HR Manager
For an entrepreneur to be surrounded by competent employees is one of the keys to success in entrepreneurship. Among these is the HR manager, who oversees the company’s management policy, particularly that of human resources.
Business lawyer
The presence of a lawyer such as a business lawyer within a company is crucial. This professional puts all his expertise at the service of the company to take care of everything related to the legal aspect (dispute resolution, drafting of articles of association and contracts, etc.).
Happiness Officer
The purpose of this new job is to make the workers happy. This requires the creation of an environment conducive to development and productivity. This professional provides personalized support to employees.